As we gather information and learn more of the phenomena known as "Tarp Ghost" we have come to wonder whether their existence should be considered in the politics surrounding Bioplastics. This is mainly due to the mandate in which companies create bioplastics in the hopes to create a world filled with more environmentally friendly and more recyclable materials to be homogenized within the plastics users norm. So, where does this leave our rejected
Polyethylene friends? Most people would say in the "Great Pacific Garbage Patch" but we seem to find that most "Tarp Ghosts" exist amongst us. Our prejudice towards them remains in our unwillingness to SEE!
Here we see images of their molecular coding, not much different from our own DNA...

They even have HISTORIES! Embedded memories... previous lives...
EXAMPLE 1: The Hootchie

Commonly used as a cover resource for outback Ausi's, weirdo woodsman, and jock soldiers.
Example 2: The Hootchie Momma

Urban Dictionary defines as:
1. | hootchie momma | 23 up, 4 down  |
| A woman who is considered sexually promiscuous, either due to her attitude, way in which she dresses, or her number of partners, it could also mean a combination of all three. Rapper Lil Kim dresses like a hootchie momma. |
These types are also used by outback ausi's, wierdo woodsman, and jock soldiers. Coincidence? I think NOT!
Basically all I'm saying is that whoever writes these bio-political manifestos better be aware of what is going on! THEY LIVE MAN!